Wednesday, February 5, 2020


I believe in UFOs and ETs.
I believe in Ghosts, Spirits or Beings
I believe in physics.
The reality, these things currently do not mix very well.
Maybe we can reach an understanding between them.

Terminology, yes the term UFO is archaic, clunky and not as 21st century as UAP, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. However, everybody is familiar with it and there is no confusion with respect to what it means. And, just to verify when I am referring to UFOs I am referring to an Unidentified Flying Object being operated by a life form not of this earth, an ET. Yes, ET, Extra-Terrestrial, is just like UFO with respect to being old and clunky. But I like it better and it is more commonly known than ETI, Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. For me in this case, old is better.

Physics, I think physics is the greatest science out there and I truly believe that physics is the quintessential science of our universe and is the tool for us to learn about our universe. I have an under-graduate degree in physics. The students that I graduated with were all younger than my oldest daughter. I got started in my physics education late in life and already had career(s) working. This does in fact explain a lot, I never had to drink the post-graduate Kool-Aid. It is important to me to make something clear; I am not saying that there is anything wrong with physics. If we actually take the time to understand it and properly use physics as the tool that it is, I believe that physics will give us the universe.

Why do I believe in UFOs rather than taking the path that says because of physics, UFOs are impossible, and ET travel to our little planet cannot occur and Ghosts or Beings cannot exist; EVIDENCE.

I have as big of a respect for evidence as I do for physics. Evidence comes in all forms; there is physical evidence, circumstantial evidence, witness statements, observations, and all of the other various types of evidence. Experimental results are also a limited type of evidence.

What is some evidence for UFOs and ETs, in our history there are structures and unusual items that go back up to 10,000 years ago where there is no explanation or understanding as to how these structures were built and some of their pieces were constructed. Not to mention all of the different writings, carvings and wall paintings that is from the same time frame in history. And then there are all of the sightings, photos, videos, physical evidence and witness statements from our recent history up to today. There is simply too much evidence throughout our species’ history to dismiss UFOs and ETs as impossible because our physics says so.

Therefore, the conflict that we are faced with is the reality of UFOs and ETs with respect to the impossibility of interstellar travel. Since the evidence for UFOs and ETs is overwhelming and cannot be dismissed or ignored, the only conclusion left is that we must be missing something in today’s physics. A little digging into today’s physics reveals that I really believe this is in fact the case. The physicists and scientists of today are not looking out for more in our universe to learn about or what new things are there to discover. Rather, they are looking only at what is already known, and they are not questioning the validity of what is known. What today’s scientists are doing is pushing forward with what is already known without questioning whether or not it is complete or right.

Right now it is important for me to say something right up front, I am not saying that today’s physics and science is completely wrong. Not at all, what I am doing is saying that there are things that I am questioning and I feel need further explanation. I will also say this right up front, based on what I know and have discovered, I very much believe that today’s physics and science is incomplete. Physicists and scientists are not looking at the big picture and/or all of the information and evidence that is available. Here is my position:

Based on all of the information and evidence available on UFOs, today’s scientists and physicists should not be saying that UFOs are impossible. Rather, they should be asking themselves what do the entities flying these UFOs know that I/we don’t know.

So, I will start posting different things/questions about UFOs and Today’s Physics that I would like to learn more about and hopefully we can start having open and informative conversations about two very important topics for everybody in today’s world.

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