One of the many questions asked by UFO and ET skeptics is “If
UFOs and ETs are real how come they have not contacted us?”
This is a valid question. And to be perfectly honest it has
no answer. Why? Because the only ones who can answer this question are the ETs.
If we wish to think about and speculate about an answer to this question, we
also have to consider history. Specifically, the answer to this question for today’s
world is definitely different then the answer to the same question 5,000-10,000
years ago, or longer.
There is a lot of strong evidence in the form of oral
histories, ancient writings and ancient pictograms on buildings and stone walls
showing that ETs were here thousands of years ago. Given that this is a
historical perspective for the question for today’s world, I am only bringing
up history for discussion purposes. Individual readers can form their own interpretation
of the historical evidence.
So, if ETs were here thousands of years ago more questions
are raised; why were they here then and why did they leave? Again, these are
questions that we can only speculate answers for because ETs are the ones that
know the answers. However, I believe that there is enough available information
that allows for educated, potential answers to these last two questions.
The technology to get to our planet from another planet is
not simple or straight forward. And, the expectation is that there is
significant physics associated with interstellar travel. It was much simpler times and societies
thousands of year ago that simply were not capable of grasping or understanding
the physics and technology needed for interstellar travel. There is evidence
for this in the ancient writings and information in that the ancient societies looked
at ETs with their interstellar travel technology and physics as Gods. It would
not be possible for any ETs to move from a God status to an average human status
given their possession of science and/or powers far beyond what was known 5000
years ago. Society’s first attempts at physics and understanding the world
through thought rather than the belief in gods originated with the Greeks about
2600 years ago. In other words, ancient societies relied on gods and the power
they possessed for guidance because they simply knew nothing to tell them
differently. Visiting ETs with their technology would clearly be viewed as
Looking at this from the ET perspective from 5000+ years ago,
what real value does a society who does not understand and does not possess the
ability to learn from you have for your own greater good and improvement? Conversely,
given the limited understanding of physics, how could ETs really help the
ancient societies? Honestly, there was nothing ETs could do for these
societies, or that these societies could do for ETs so why stick around?
As for the question, why were they here 5000 years ago
and/or longer, because that is when they found us. We have to remember that the
universe is HUGE and until the late 19th century there was no electromagnetic
energy leaving our planet. Nothing was being transmitted out into space telling
any ETs hey, our little planet is inhabited. Until we invented radios earth
looked like any other unassuming planet orbiting an average star in the
Fast forward to today. Given the amount of “stuff” we have
shot into orbit around our planet as well as the vast amount of electromagnetic
energy we are shooting out into space it is obvious that there is life on our
planet. But now the real question is one for the ETs, has the life on our
planet reached a point where it will be beneficial to an advanced species capable
of interstellar travel and advanced physics? The question can be asked another
way, particularly with respect to ETs that have previously visited our planet,
have we really progressed far enough forward to warrant or have earned
contacted by ETs?
This is a question each individual reader can ask
Before ending this piece I would like to present some
information in an area I take very seriously and is part of the title of this
blog, “Today’s Physics.” Looking at technology advancements, we are leaps and
bounds ahead of where we were 5000+ years ago, that is obvious. The same is
true for physics. However, regarding today’s physics, our scientists and
physicist are so engaged and focused on so very little. Today’s scientist does
not see the problems with what they believe to be the final answer to
everything. That is, they do not even know or clearly understand the science
and physics that they have today. The classic example that clearly shows we are
not as smart as we think we are, quantum physics. The mere fact that today’s
scientists currently believe that they are working on the final answers shows
their own arrogance and ignorance. This is especially true given there are so
many different places to look for more answers. But rather than ask questions,
or think outside of the box and use their own imagination today’s scientist would
rather try and disprove anything that questions the direction of their current
If what I just said is true and our scientists are in fact
so close minded about things are we that much better than societies were 5000+
years ago? Another question becomes important; why would any ETs want to make
contact with us today when so many in the science community routinely say; “UFOs
and ETs are impossible because they violate the laws of physics.” This statement
is not even remotely true. It presumes that we know all there is to know about
the physics of our universe and we are not even close.
If we as a society and the majority of our scientists are
not willing to open up our minds and imagination to new frontiers in physics
why would any ETs want to stop or believe it is worthwhile to stop on planet
Earth? This is a question for ETs to answer, not us.
There is another question that routinely comes along with
the question about contact, and that is “what are the intentions of ETs?” Previous
visitations and leaving seems to indicate the benevolent intentions of ETs.
That is, if ETs wanted us or our planet it was here for the taking 5000+ years
ago. And, who can conclusively say that they have left Earth?
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