Over the last month or two there has been a lot of talk about the release of a government report regarding UAP sightings. UAP stands for Unidentified Ariel Phenomena, which is government speak for UFO. This report clearly admits that there are 143 sightings of UAPs that cannot be explained. And that many of these sighted UAPs do not comply with any known physics and/or aeronautical design and performance. But, since there is no individual sightings of any Extraterrestrial beings associated with any of the UAPs there can be no conclusion regarding the existence of Extraterrestrials. One other thing about the report, it is not possible to rule out the fact that some of these UAPs/UFOs might be craft from another world. So, this begs the question, if the craft is from another world would there not be an ET flying it? I guess it is important to our government to maintain their overall superiority of everything.
Think of it this way, this is like seeing a duck swimming across the top of a pond and concluding that it cannot fly since you only see is swimming.
For reasons unknown our government is afraid to take a stand on what is clearly been seen and experienced by so many people for such a long period of time. Maybe part of the problem is because the science and physics community is unwilling to budge from its current scope of experiment and theory. Think about this for a minute, a report is released that says there are craft flying around our planet doing things we cannot explain with the physics we currently understand. But the physics community is unwilling to take a moment to think that maybe, just maybe there is a whole lot of physics out there that we do not know about and understand. Nope, it is still important to chase String Theory, Supersymmetry and the God Equation rather than admit these things have already failed and there is a lot more out there for science to learn.
Well, here is a news flash for the physics and science community, as well as the governments of our earth, there is a whole lot of life out there in this universe and we are just a small part of it. The proof for this is all around us right here on out little planet, how much life exists on this planet with us? Why would the nature of all of the life on our planet be any different from the nature of our universe? In other words, the universe that we live in and that we are a part of is not a barren and cold place devoid of life. Just the opposite, our universe is teaming with life throughout its entire expanse. I will go so far to say that my experiences and observations show me that our universe is all about life, that our universe is here for life to thrive throughout the universe. Furthermore, there is a whole lot more physics out there that we do not have a clue about. Again, nature has clearly provided us clues to this. But since these clues and related information does not fit the science and physics community's current beliefs, these obvious clues and information are ignored or some type of quantum physics magic is contrived to explain away that which is not liked.
So the question now is why is the Extraterrestrial Life visiting our planet here in the first place? I believe this too has a fairly logical answer. And the answer is not what some want us to believe. Since we cannot explain 143 UAPs our government tells us that we have to be concerned about possible hostile intentions.
If we except the governments report regarding unexplainable UAPs, then history is pretty clear, ET has been visiting the human life on our planet for a very long time. Since ET has been here for so long hostile actions really are not any part of ETs intention. Think about this for a minute, if ET was hostile how come we were not wiped out 100,000 years ago when it would have been easy? The narrative that ET and/or the UAPs are here for hostile actions is really the ultimate in arrogance, ignorance and short sightedness by our government.
The real answer is much simpler and obvious. It is not about us, it is about the beautiful planet we are lucky enough to live on at this point in time.
Here on earth we can consider all societies and its associated human life living here a single civilization. The simplest and most basic feat that our civilization must accomplish is survival. And if we are perfectly honest, there really is no guarantee that as a civilization we can survive. We would all like to believe that as a civilization we will survive and move out into the universe and take our place with the rest of the life living in this universe. However, at this point in time we are far more adapt at conflict and violence then we are at working together toward the common and simple goal of survival for our societies and civilization.
The universe we are a part of is dynamic. Planets and other solar systems die everyday. These planets and solar systems that die as part of their natural progression are full of life that is worth saving for the civilization of the universe. Just like we move from one city to another, other life in our universe has the need to move to another planet. ET is not here for hostile purposes. Rather they are here to make sure that if we move forward with destroying ourselves that we do not take the fabulous planet down with us as it does mean too much to the civilization of the universe.
ET has shown themselves to humanity multiple times for centuries, so it is not like they are trying to hide from us. Recently they have also shown us that they really do know a whole lot more than we do. We should look at all of the sightings and interactions as ETs way of saying, hey we are here and we would like to help, but.... It is not ETs responsibility to come here and solve our problems. As our own civilization we have to be able to survive on our own, not as a subset for another civilization in our universe.
Take a moment to think about this, the evidence for ET's existence is staggering. Yet many in government and the science community still say it is impossible for any ET to be here because our physics will not allow it. Simple solution, there is more to physics than we know today. But in many cases arrogance reigns supreme in science and government so rather than admitting we are not as smart and superior as we think we are they will simply ignore the reality. So, even if ET were to come here to help out, he would not be excepted or would be questioned about every trivial thing. I would not want to waste my time with this, so why would ET?