Friday, August 7, 2020



One of the major things that today‘s physics is working on is String Theory. This theory is all about the basic particles of our universe being made up of one-dimensional strings that exist in multiple extra dimensions of space. These extra dimensions are more than the three dimensional space we live in and they are rolled up into the smallest possible distance we can imagine, known as the Planck Length. This distance is smaller than the distance that separates the proton and the neutron that are crammed together in the nucleus of an atom.

Let me be clear about this and say it another way, go to the absolutely smallest distance you can possibly think of, drop into the space of this distance and now add multiple more infinite spaces into this small distance. And, in these extra spaces that are now in the smallest distance you can think of, you have to put a bunch of one-dimensional strings that make up all of the matter in our universe. In other words, take every piece of matter in the universe and cram it onto a bunch of spaces that exist in the smallest distance in the universe.

This is in essence what string theory is all about, and it gets a bit worse. You see there is Super-symmetry, aka SUSY, a version of string theory that is generally considered necessary to be consistent with the universe that we live in. Well, SUSY basically doubles the number of particles in the universe, which means you now have to double the amount of matter in the universe and you actually have two universes of matter that have to be crammed into multiple rolled up infinite dimensions that exist in the smallest distance in the universe.

We will not go into how these one-dimensional strings existing in multiple dimensions of space crammed into the smallest distance in the universe communicate with the space where we live in order to create all of the matter that really does exist in our universe. Nor will we go into the fact that string theory is a mathematical model that cannot be proven. Hey, very simple, easy, understandable and straightforward right? Not even close. String Theory is a mess. It is a house of cards with so many caveats and unknowns that there is no way that it can be real.

So, does the mess that is String Theory with is multiple dimensions mean that all multi-dimensional models are unacceptable? No it does not. Rather than going to the smallest space possible why not go up? This was idea was actually first introduced in a paper by the German Physicist and Mathematician Theodor Kaluza around 1920. His theory of going up with extra dimensions was based on the work of German Mathematician Bernard Riemann regarding ‘n’ dimensional geometries published in a paper in 1868. Another way to say ‘n’ dimensional geometries is multi-dimensional space. That is spaces that go above and beyond the three-dimensional space of the universe where we live.

It is important to note that when Riemann did is work in multi-dimensional geometries the Planck Length had not yet to be theorized. The presumption here is that Riemann was looking at geometries above our three-dimensional geometry. That is there would be a fourth dimension of space that wraps around out entire three dimensional space just like our three dimensional space wraps around a two dimensional shape, (think of a sheet of paper as a two dimensional space). An example of a four-dimensional space object is the Klein Bottle. See the included three dimensional representation of the bottle, which can only be opened up in a four dimensional space. Under Riemann’s geometry, the number of dimensions that can exist above our three-dimensional space is basically infinite.

Does Reimann’s geometry prevent smaller dimensions down in the Planck Length? Not specifically as the math can go big or small. But the actual representation of the String Theory dimensions appears to be simply impossible and is at the very least impossible to prove or disprove. So looking at String Theory logically, it really just does not make sense. Going one more step, looking at String Theory with respect to the philosophical principle of Occam’s Razor, which in essence states that nature will take the simplest path, any multi-dimensional theory is simpler than String Theory and SUSY.

So are multiple dimensions out of the physics picture? No, they are not. Rather than going small to explain our universe like String Theory did, let’s make the dimensions big and embed our three dimensional space into a four dimensional space just like Russian Nesting Dolls. Consider the following for explanation purposes only;

Zero-Dimension = a point

One-Dimension = a string

Two-Dimensions = a sheet of paper

Three-Dimension = our universe

Zero, One and Two Dimensions are all embedded in our three dimensional universe. So, in order to follow the theory, our Three-Dimensional Universe is embedded into a Fourth-Dimension. And, a Fourth-Dimension can be embedded into a Fifth-Dimension and so on and so on.

This sounds almost as strange as all of the extra dimensions stuck down in the Planck Length with string theory. Except that Riemann showed multi-dimensional spaces was real back in 1868. And, as shown above with the embedding of smaller dimensions in our universe, there is real physical evidence supporting that a multi-dimensional universe can exist. Additionally, looking at some of the modern physics and modern discoveries there is even more evidence for the embedding our Three-Dimensional Universe into higher dimensions. It is possible to use the higher dimensions to account for the anti-symmetry associated with the lack of any anti-matter in our universe. I believe it is even possible to account for Dark Matter and Dark Energy, as well as provide further explanation of black holes along with many other puzzles associated with today’s modern physics and our universe.

Another consideration looking at the Klein Bottle above, look how four-dimensions can be viewed in our three dimensional world. There are so many shortcuts within the bottle to get from one surface area to another without having to travel along the surface. In other words, short cut travel paths in higher dimensions for UFOs and ETs to travel about our three-dimensional universe, visit us and then “go back home.”

Let’s take a moment to put this in perspective, going up or bigger in dimensions in our universe not only provides potential solutions to unanswered questions in physics, it also allows for travel about the universe. This seems to me to make larger dimension an area requiring research.