Friday, August 9, 2024



What Can Science Add to This Debate?


This paper discusses the possibility of life in the universe. It is not a discussion about UFOs or UAPs, whichever term you prefer. A UFO type of discussion would come under the topic of technically advanced life throughout the universe. There is the potential for an argument that accepting life throughout the universe infers that there is technically advanced life in the universe. But, for now, this is just a look at the question of life throughout the universe.

Recently, many papers and subsequent articles have talked about other civilizations or life in the universe. There was a recent paper regarding other civilizations, or life forms, living here on Earth with us: Aliens May Already Live on Earth, Harvard Researchers Say - Newsweek

Another paper talked about finding seven stars that have the expected physical characteristics associated with a Dyson Sphere;

Astronomers Are on the Hunt for Dyson Spheres | The Arizona Astrobiology Center

And then there is the June 25, 2021 U.S. Government report, "Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena 25 June 2021

There is also the Drake Equation: Are We Alone in the Universe? Revisiting the Drake Equation - NASA Science

And let us not forget one of the oldest modern science programs on other civilizations in our universe, SETI, Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, founded in 1984. SETI Institute

Besides the scientific community's interest in life throughout our universe, there is also the government's interest and the public's interest. Congress has held whistleblower hearings on UFOs/UAPs and possibly recovered alien bodies and alien artifacts. Multiple websites and TV shows are dedicated to documenting and searching for UFOs/UAPs. Many famous and professional people have reported UFO/UAP sightings and experiences.

Currently, modern science does not have any confirmed majority opinions about other life in our universe. However, the above list of recent research papers and established organizations clearly shows that modern science, scientists, the U.S. Government, and the public have a specific interest in other life in our universe.


Many in the current scientific and physics professions will say that the previously discussed papers, observations, and experiences are not hard scientific proof of UFOs/UAPs. Given the legitimacy of the authors or agencies of the listed items, what would be considered hard scientific proof? However, as was stated at the beginning of this paper, this is not a discussion or argument for the existence or reality of UFOs/UAPs. It is a "first-step" discussion about other life within our universe independent of its level of technological understanding. And this is a topic devoid of debate in the modern scientific community.

NOTE: A species capable of traveling the universe corresponds with a specific type of life, a "technically advanced" form of life. Nothing about our universe requires all life to develop into technically advanced life. The possibility of technical understanding exists, but it is not necessary for life to exist. Many forms of life lived on our planet for billions of years before our currently technology-driven species existed.

Before discussing life in the universe, we should establish a definition of life. This is not an easy task for the simple reason that we have no clear definition of what "life" is. Given that this discussion involves the whole universe and the universe is a vast place, let's establish a simple three-criteria definition for this paper;

  1. Survival. An ability to recognize a hazard and move away from it. Or to have such huge numbers and durability, allowing for survival through a catastrophe. Survival also includes sustainability.

  2. Procreation. A species must have the ability to grow, pass along its genetic code, and continue moving forward as time goes forward.

  3. Communication. A life form must be able to, at the very least, communicate with its species. This communication could be as simple as a notification of when procreation is possible.

For this paper, these are the three simplest evolutionary traits necessary to establish a long-term species that can avoid extinction.

Before we can go forward, there is still one piece that still needs to be added. What about the physical characteristics of life? Where did the physical things, such as chemistry and energy necessary to create a form for life to exist, come from? The five basic nucleobases responsible for the DNA and RNA of life, as we understand it, have been found on meteors. And over 80 different amino acids have also been found in meteors. Only 22 of these amino acids are associated with life on Earth as we know it. 

This begs the question, Since we have found the basic materials for life on meteors in our solar system, isn't it logical to presume that the basic materials for building life as we see here on Earth are a standard part of the universe?

Another consideration is the types or kinds of life. That is, there are many varieties or species of life. Our planet is estimated to be about 4.5 billion years old. The earliest indication of life in the fossil records is about 3.7 billion years ago. The life associated with these early fossils blossomed into the species or varieties of life we have today. How many species of life are on Earth today? There is no specific number. But the estimated number of unique and distinct species of life is in the billions. This current estimated number does not include the previous species of life that have become extinct. It also does not include species of life that have yet to be discovered or evolve.

In other words, the first species of life to emerge on our young planet, which had the three criteria for life established above, grew into the vast number of species of life that we have on Earth today. This includes one species evolving from a basic life form into a "technologically advanced" species: "modern" humans. And who knows what kind of "modern" humans will exist in the next ten years?

So, how does life on planet Earth relate to life throughout the universe? It all starts at the beginning of the universe, the Big Bang.

Modern cosmology asserts that our universe is both homogeneous and isotropic. Homogeneous means that the universe's makeup is uniform or consistent. It comprises the same basic things no matter where you go in the universe. If I were to go to one side of the universe and pick out a big scoop of the universe, it would contain the same things and have the same physical properties as a scoop of the universe from the other side of the universe.

The second condition of our universe, isotropic, means that no matter where you are in the universe and where or how you look, the universe will always look the same. In other words, no matter what point you might travel to in the universe, what you see in any direction will look like what you see when you look up at the night sky from here on Earth. Now, granted, there might be many moons or more than one sun visible to you at some other place in the universe, but the point is those suns and moons will be like what we see here on Earth.

As for homogeneity, suppose for a moment that we take a scoop of the universe out of our Milky Way galaxy, including our solar system and Earth. This scoop of the universe contains all the normal stuff we expect to find. However, it also includes simple, general life as we have defined it. To maintain the condition of homogeneity within the universe means any other scoop out of the universe will also have to contain life.

Regarding isotropic, let's say you travel to the Big Dipper Constellation. This location is seven stars ranging from 58 to 124 light-years away. To narrow things down, let's say that we travel to the middle of the Big Dipper, which is about 90 light-years from Earth. When we look back in the direction of Earth, we will not actually see life on Earth, but life does, in fact, exist on Earth. Since the universe is isotropic, if we look in another direction from our position in the Big Dipper, it will look the same as when we looked at Earth. Although we did not see life on earth, it was there, which means there should also be life in this other direction we are looking at. Furthermore, there should be life in any other direction or way that we are looking at from the big dipper. This will be true for any other place we may look from in the universe.

Homogeneous and isotropic means that no matter where you go in the universe, it will be made up of the same stuff, have the same physical properties, and look the same no matter how or where you look. In other words, all parts of the universe have to look and be like the part of the universe that contains Earth and its life.

The details of the Big Bang and the creation of our universe are fascinating in their own right. However, only the basic conclusions in this paper are necessary for this discussion. What we need to know from the current leading theory of the creation of our universe is that the Big Bang is the moment when our universe as we know it, see it, feel it, and understand it begins to form. From quarks to atoms to molecules to particles to stars and planets, they all exist because of the Big Bang. But, just before the instant of the Big Bang, during what is known as the inflationary period, our universe was nothing but pure energy. The Big Bang allowed all the energy in the inflationary period to form into our universe today.

A significant amount of complexity is associated with the processes involved in building our universe. From the instant of the Big Bang until now, the only essential function occurring within our universe has been building. From creating the materials to make the universe to the actual building of the universe as we see it. Other than galaxies, stars, and planets, there is nothing new or different anywhere in the universe, and the universe's future does not hold anything new or different from what we see now. The previously discussed conditions of homogeneity and isotropy clearly show and prohibit any change in our universe. From the Big Bang until the end, our universe is set in building only more of what we see and know of today.

So, where did the instructions for turning pure energy into the building materials of stars, planets, and everything else in the universe come from?

Since the instant of the Big Bang, the state of the universe has been directed toward building the universe as we know it. This means that the blueprints and instructions for all of our universe building had to be a part of the energy in the inflationary period that occurred until the instant of the Big Bang. In other words, how to build our universe from energy was part of the energy in the inflation period. What good is all of the energy from the inflationary period if there are no instructions, that are a part of the energy, for how to turn this inflationary energy into the building blocks of matter, and life as we know it.

For further information on the building of the matter that makes up everything we see and know of in the universe, see The First Second After the Big Bang a New Perspective for 2024; https://medium.com/@philofysks/the-first-second-after-the-big-bang-a-new-perspective-for-2024-3f540b0d765c

The energy of the inflationary period did not go only into building the matter necessary for our universe; it also went into creating the matter necessary for life in our universe. That is, the inflationary energy not only went into building the atoms that eventually became all of the galaxies, stars, and planets of our universe, but this inflationary energy also had instructions on how to make the atoms, which contain the instructions for allowing life to form in our universe. This would be the previously mentioned five basic nucleobases and over 80 amino acids that are part of all life in our universe. As stated in this paper, these basic nucleobases and amino acids that start life are on meteors. And meteors exist throughout the universe. In other words, the building blocks for life are just as much a part of the universe as the building blocks of matter.

A quick side note: Only 22 of the 80 amino acids known are necessary for life as we know them. This means that a huge number of amino acid combinations are available to form a vast diversity of life in the universe.

Current theories for the beginning of our universe also include a quantum physics aspect associated with the energy of the inflationary period. Nobel Prize-winning Physicist Murray Gell-Mann is credited with first putting the following quote in writing in one of his papers; "Everything that is not forbidden is compulsory." This quote from Gell-Mann was initially associated with particle physics, but over the years, this quote has been used when discussing quantum theory. Additionally, "what is not forbidden is compulsory" has become an axiom for modern physics. *The origins of this quote are unknown, and another version of this quote is associated with the legal profession. 

Concerning life in the universe, if nothing prevents the building blocks for life from being part of the energy in the first instance of the building of our universe, then life must be a part of our universe.


Life is extraordinary, and it is unique. Our universe is also exceptional and unique. Since we, as the human species, became aware of our existence, we have asked questions about life and where it came from. We have believed that life was confined to our own planet and our universe was simply one large empty expanse of space with some matter strewn about, void of any life but our own. However, over the past few years, our general view regarding life in the universe, technologically advanced life, has begun to change. Also fueling this change in the view of life in the universe is the discovery of over 7000 planets around other stars

Going back to the previous discussion of Homogeneity and Isotropy, these two concepts showed us that there had to be planets around other stars before the discovery of these other planets. Within the past few years, our advances in technology have reached a point where we can discover these other planets. However, based on our understanding of the universe's homogeneity and isotropy, we could have and should have, easily known that there were other planets around other stars. And we should also have known that some of these other planets will have life.

Our universe is estimated to be 13.8 billion years old. Technologically advanced life did not simply appear with the snap of the fingers at some point in time during the aging of our universe. Rather, like the universe itself, it had to be built up, constructed, and evolve from the basic building blocks of life within our universe. This is the part of our maturing universe that science still needs to look at, that life itself is part of our universe? As discussed, if we accept the homogeneous and isotropic argument along with the basic inflation and Big Bang concept previously discussed, then life is an essential element of our universe.

As Murray Gell-Mann stated, "Everything that is not forbidden is compulsory." The existence of our species of life and every other species here on our planet clearly shows that life in the universe is not forbidden. Furthermore, all life on our planet clearly indicates that life on a planet orbiting a star is allowed. When the other associated aspects of applicable physics are considered, the only possible conclusion is that our universe was designed for life to prosper.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

GUTs, ToEs AND UFOs: Which has More Evidence, the Goals of Modern Science or the Science Fiction of Modern Science?



Which has More Evidence, the Goals of Modern Science or the Science Fiction of Modern Science?


Finding the GUT (Grand Unified Theory) and then the ToE (Theory of Everything) is one of the largest goals of today’s physics. It seems that the general belief is that finding one, preferably both of these things, will deliver to us the knowledge of the universe. That is, once the quantum forces of the universe are unified via a GUT, the next short step away will be a ToE. These two physics discoveries will tell us everything there is to know about the universe. And, all of the the physics of the universe questions that are baffling today’s modern physicist and scientist will be answered.

As for UFO’s (Unidentified Flying Objects), this topic has a lot of social media attention and notoriety in todays world. The current modern knowledge of physics says that UFOs that are not of this earth are not possible. Thus the belief that UFOs are not real and therefore must be considered as science fiction. Science fiction or not, there is a large amount of evidence that UFOs do exist. And, how do we know that the physics we know today is all of the physics that the universe has to offer. In other words, there could be, most likely is, a whole lot more physics that exists in this universe that we simply do not understand or know about. Finding a UFO would be world breaking news. However, being able to find a UFO that is not from our world is not really our choice.

Finding the GUT and a ToE are noble and worthy efforts. The search for these things generally started with Einstein, as well as other noted physicists and scientists of Einstein’s time. In 1865, about 40 years before Einstein’s ground breaking work with gravity, James Clerk Maxwell published his ground breaking equations that combine electricity and magnetism into a single force. In essence electricity can create magnetism and magnetism can create electricity. This relationship between electricity and magnetism is viewed as two different aspects of a single force, the electromagnetic force.

Given the two theories that describe the most basic forces known at the time, gravity and electromagnetism, Einstein was intellectually motivated to combine the two theories. His attempts at combining gravity and the electromagnetic force was known as his “unified field theory.” This is generally the beginning of searching for a GUT and a ToE.

As physics progressed two more “forces” were discovered, the strong force, (this is the one that holds quarks together in order to make protons and neutrons) and the weak force (this is the one that basically changes neutrons into protons and a couple of other things). In other words, these forces are only related to, and work with the smallest particles we know of in modern physics. And with these two additional forces we now have the four known forces of the universe, electricity and magnetism, gravity, the weak force, and the strong force.

In the 1960’s Physicists Sheldon Glashow, Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam are credited with unifying the electromagnetic force with the weak force to form the concept of the electroweak force. That is, this was a mathematical evaluation that combined these forces. Through the 1970’s and 1980’s experimental evidence believed to be associated with the weak force has been used to confirmed the mathematical association of the weak force and the electromagnetic force.

Since the strong force is also directly related to the interaction of the smallest known particles, it too was believed that it must somehow be related to the electroweak force. However, as of today, there is no mathematics or indirect experimental evidence that relates the strong force in any way with either the electroweak force. This is where the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) comes in. It is the theory that is going to combine the strong force and electroweak force into a single force.

However, modern science currently says there are four known forces in the universe and gravity is the odd force out. That is, it has no known relationship to the other three forces. This is where a Theory of Everything (ToE) comes in. It is going to be the theory that combines gravity with the other three forces, electromagnetic force, weak force and the strong force. Carrying this one step further, gravity is directly associated with relativistic physics, which is the physics of large things in the universe. The other three force are associated with the small things in the universe, which is quantum physics. So, a ToE can also be considered as the theory that is going to combine quantum physics with relativistic physics. It is a single theory that is going to describe every thing that happens with the biggest and the smallest things in the universe all at once.


The obvious first question to ask is how does modern physics know that the universe has a GUT and a ToE?

The answer to this question is very straight forward, it doesn’t! There is zero evidence that a GUT or a ToE exists in the universe. Or, that the universe we live in even requires or needs a GUT or a ToE. Recall from above, the “need” for a GUT and a ToE generally started with Einstein and his “intellectual need” for a unified field theory. In other words, physicists needed to unify the forces and their associated physics into a single theory, not our universe . The general concept of a GUT or a ToE is man made. There is nothing in any of the sciences, Quantum Theory or Relativity Theory that requires the unification of Quantum and Relativity theories and their associated forces into a single theory.

In the current most accepted theory for the beginning of our universe, the Big Bang, there is a sub-theory that at the beginning of the universe all four of the forces, gravity, electromagnetism, the weak force and the strong force were all combined together in some kind of a single force. That is, the overall amount of energy, temperature and density in the early universe was so high that it fused the four forces we see today into a single force, kind of like a super-force. This could also be considered as the beginning of a ToE. What this super-force did in the early universe, how it got there and how it could be the beginning of a ToE is yet to be determined.

As the universe expanded and began to cool down and lose energy the super-force started to break apart. At first gravity breaks away from the super-force leaving the strong force, the weak force and the electromagnetic force still combined, the beginning of a GUT. Shortly after gravity broke off, the strong force broke off, leaving the weak force and the electromagnetic force still combined, the electroweak force. Finally, a short time later, the weak force and the electromagnetic force also separated giving us the four forces we see in the universe today.

So, how is the order of the super force breaking apart known, and how is the timing of the forces breaking apart established? These are open questions as specific answers are unknown.

Another straightforward question: If the combining of all four of the forces requires an extreme amount of energy, temperature and density how can a GUT or a ToE be determined now that brings all of the forces together given the current low energy, temperature and density of the universe? Asked another way, how is it that the four forces can be recombined given the conditions in the current universe? And, modern science shows us that the universe is expanding, which cause energy, temperature and density to drop even more which would increase the difficulty of combining the forces into a GUT and a ToE.

Moving on from the theoretical questions with respect to GUTs and ToEs, look at the weak force. It is actually not a force, rather it is an interaction which why it is currently called the weak interaction not the weak force. The most common interaction involves the neutron and the W or Z boson particles. A W or Z boson particle interacts with a neutron and flips it into a proton and a couple of other things. Here is the problem, there are two kinds of neutrons, ones with a right-handed spin property, and ones with a left-handed spin property. The weak interaction only works with left-handed spin property neutrons, not the right-handed spin neutrons.

None of the other three forces have this kind of selective activity. For example, the electric force of the electron reacts with both positive and negative electric charges. If it were like the weak interaction it will only work with one of the charges, not both of them. Given the significant difference in how electricity and magnetism work compared to the weak interaction one has to wonder how real is the combination of electromagnetism and the weak interaction?

Regarding the strong force compared with the electromagnetic force and gravity; with both gravity and the electric force the further you move away from the source of the gravitational and electric force the weaker the force becomes. The strong force only works with quarks, it is the force that hold quarks together in the proton and neutron. The strong force is like a spring, if the quarks are close together the strong force is normal and there is a minimal amount of force between the quarks. However, if you try to pull two or more quarks apart the strong force grows stronger the further you move the quarks apart from each other. The strong force is so strong that if you could pull two quarks apart the amount of energy to do this is so high that two more quarks will immediately form and combine with the two quarks you pulled apart making sure that neither of the two quarks is alone. This means that the strong force does not allow there to be single quarks in the universe.

Despite the significant differences in the strong force, the electromagnetic force and the weak force/interaction, a GUT is going to combine these three forces into a single force that allows them to work the way the do in the current conditions of our universe.

As for gravity, it is the weakest of all of the forces and interaction. The electric force is almost a trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion times stronger than gravity. And the strong force is estimated at about 100 times stronger than the electric force. Additionally, gravity only really works on the biggest things in the universe, such as stars, planets and galaxies, while the electric force, strong force and weak interaction only work on the smallest things, the elementary particles and atoms. However, a ToE is going to be able to over come all obstacles and combine gravity, the force of the very big, with the other three force, which are the forces of the very small.

There are many more questions and concerns associated with combining the known forces into a GUT and ToE. There is one more concern that needs to be covered, the “graviton.” The graviton is a so far undiscovered particle, so in fits in Quantum Theory. The graviton is the part of quantum gravity that mediates gravity. The graviton is also a part of string theory. But string theory is a mathematical model of how the quantum universe works. Since string theory is a mathematical model there are no experiments which can prove string theory is real. And the current mathematics associated with combining string theory and relativity is so problematic that it cannot be done. In other words, the two thing are not compatible. Yet, that is still the goal.

As for evidence of UFOs, there is a lot. There are multiple photos and videos. There are witnesses of all professions; military, law enforcement, pilots, scientists and of course the average person. There are also multiple websites, such as MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, (https://mufon.com/) and UFO Casebook (https://www.ufocasebook.com/) just to name two. There are also multiple professional and government reports on UFOs and UFO sightings. Similarly, the governments of many countries have done multiple investigations and filed reports on UFOs. And, many governments have a dedicated agency within the government specifically for investigating and researching UFOs.

One of the most recent reports from the US government was on June 25, 2021 titled Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, (https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Prelimary-Assessment-UAP-20210625.pdf). The report was submitted to congress by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). This report looked at 144 reports filed between 2004 and 2021, mostly by military aviators who were using reliable equipment for data collection. Of the 144 reports reviewed, 1 was found not to be a Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP or UFO).

If only one of the 144 UFO reports in the congressional report was discovered not to be a UFO, what does this say about the reality of the thousands upon thousands of non-military reports?


Establishing a Grand Unified Theory and the Theory of Everything, are the holy grail of modern science. UFOs, are the science fiction of modern science because they are so elusive and we simply cannot and do not understand how they work. Additionally, we cannot touch or study a UFO. Truth be told we also cannot study a GUT or a ToE. Simply because something cannot be touched or studied does not make it unreal. This fact is noted daily in modern science as they go about looking for a GUT and a ToE. However, UFOs are not viewed in the same manner because modern science does not afford UFO’s the same breath of reality as they do GUTs and ToEs.

When the actual actions of the electromagnetic force, the weak interaction/force and the strong force are compared, it is clear that none of them have any common characteristics. If they have nothing in common, how is it possible that they can all be combined? Nature and the universe has provided zero information or evidence that these three unique and distinct forces of the very small should be combined in a single force via a Grand Unification Theory.

As for gravity, it has absolutely nothing in common with any of the three forces discussed above. There is no comparison between the characteristics of gravity and the characteristics of the other three forces. And once again, there is nothing in nature or the universe that says or requires gravity to be combined with the other three forces.

In summary, nothing about a GUT or a ToE has a real connection to nature or our universe. And, there is no evidence that either of these things exist. If nature doesn’t require unification why does today’s science feel the necessity to find a Grand Unification Theory or Theory of Everything? Furthermore, if there is nothing in nature that says unification is necessary, what makes modern science think that unification is even possible?

For comparison, there are thousands of unexplainable photos and video evidence of UFOs. There is evidence from electronic monitoring devices such as RADAR and infrared cameras. And, there are thousands upon thousands of observations by people of all walks of life throughout history, including trusted eye witness accounts. Additionally, governments throughout the world believe there is enough evidence for UFOs and have establish some type of agency to investigate UFOs.

So, what has more evidence for existence, GUTs and ToEs or UFOs?

One last consideration, we have a little over 100 years of modern science knowledge of the universe. But, the universe is over 13.8 billion year old, (our definition of time). Given our limited time to learn about the universe modern science believes that we almost know all there is to know and completely understand in our universe so that we can discover a GUT or a ToE. Some might consider this to be incredibly hubris.

Steve Guderian, 25 June, 2023

Which has More Evidence, the Goals of Modern Science or the Science Fiction of Modern Science?


Finding the GUT (Grand Unified Theory) and then the ToE (Theory of Everything) is one of the largest goals of today’s physics. It seems that the general belief is that finding one, preferably both of these things, will deliver to us the knowledge of the universe. That is, once the quantum forces of the universe are unified via a GUT, the next short step away will be a ToE. These two physics discoveries will tell us everything there is to know about the universe. And, all of the the physics of the universe questions that are baffling today’s modern physicist and scientist will be answered.

As for UFO’s (Unidentified Flying Objects), this topic has a lot of social media attention and notoriety in todays world. The current modern knowledge of physics says that UFOs that are not of this earth are not possible. Thus the belief that UFOs are not real and therefore must be considered as science fiction. Science fiction or not, there is a large amount of evidence that UFOs do exist. And, how do we know that the physics we know today is all of the physics that the universe has to offer. In other words, there could be, most likely is, a whole lot more physics that exists in this universe that we simply do not understand or know about. Finding a UFO would be world breaking news. However, being able to find a UFO that is not from our world is not really our choice.

Finding the GUT and a ToE are noble and worthy efforts. The search for these things generally started with Einstein, as well as other noted physicists and scientists of Einstein’s time. In 1865, about 40 years before Einstein’s ground breaking work with gravity, James Clerk Maxwell published his ground breaking equations that combine electricity and magnetism into a single force. In essence electricity can create magnetism and magnetism can create electricity. This relationship between electricity and magnetism is viewed as two different aspects of a single force, the electromagnetic force.

Given the two theories that describe the most basic forces known at the time, gravity and electromagnetism, Einstein was intellectually motivated to combine the two theories. His attempts at combining gravity and the electromagnetic force was known as his “unified field theory.” This is generally the beginning of searching for a GUT and a ToE.

As physics progressed two more “forces” were discovered, the strong force, (this is the one that holds quarks together in order to make protons and neutrons) and the weak force (this is the one that basically changes neutrons into protons and a couple of other things). In other words, these forces are only related to, and work with the smallest particles we know of in modern physics. And with these two additional forces we now have the four known forces of the universe, electricity and magnetism, gravity, the weak force, and the strong force.

In the 1960’s Physicists Sheldon Glashow, Steven Weinberg and Abdus Salam are credited with unifying the electromagnetic force with the weak force to form the concept of the electroweak force. That is, this was a mathematical evaluation that combined these forces. Through the 1970’s and 1980’s experimental evidence believed to be associated with the weak force has been used to confirmed the mathematical association of the weak force and the electromagnetic force.

Since the strong force is also directly related to the interaction of the smallest known particles, it too was believed that it must somehow be related to the electroweak force. However, as of today, there is no mathematics or indirect experimental evidence that relates the strong force in any way with either the electroweak force. This is where the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) comes in. It is the theory that is going to combine the strong force and electroweak force into a single force.

However, modern science currently says there are four known forces in the universe and gravity is the odd force out. That is, it has no known relationship to the other three forces. This is where a Theory of Everything (ToE) comes in. It is going to be the theory that combines gravity with the other three forces, electromagnetic force, weak force and the strong force. Carrying this one step further, gravity is directly associated with relativistic physics, which is the physics of large things in the universe. The other three force are associated with the small things in the universe, which is quantum physics. So, a ToE can also be considered as the theory that is going to combine quantum physics with relativistic physics. It is a single theory that is going to describe every thing that happens with the biggest and the smallest things in the universe all at once.


The obvious first question to ask is how does modern physics know that the universe has a GUT and a ToE?

The answer to this question is very straight forward, it doesn’t! There is zero evidence that a GUT or a ToE exists in the universe. Or, that the universe we live in even requires or needs a GUT or a ToE. Recall from above, the “need” for a GUT and a ToE generally started with Einstein and his “intellectual need” for a unified field theory. In other words, physicists needed to unify the forces and their associated physics into a single theory, not our universe . The general concept of a GUT or a ToE is man made. There is nothing in any of the sciences, Quantum Theory or Relativity Theory that requires the unification of Quantum and Relativity theories and their associated forces into a single theory.

In the current most accepted theory for the beginning of our universe, the Big Bang, there is a sub-theory that at the beginning of the universe all four of the forces, gravity, electromagnetism, the weak force and the strong force were all combined together in some kind of a single force. That is, the overall amount of energy, temperature and density in the early universe was so high that it fused the four forces we see today into a single force, kind of like a super-force. This could also be considered as the beginning of a ToE. What this super-force did in the early universe, how it got there and how it could be the beginning of a ToE is yet to be determined.

As the universe expanded and began to cool down and lose energy the super-force started to break apart. At first gravity breaks away from the super-force leaving the strong force, the weak force and the electromagnetic force still combined, the beginning of a GUT. Shortly after gravity broke off, the strong force broke off, leaving the weak force and the electromagnetic force still combined, the electroweak force. Finally, a short time later, the weak force and the electromagnetic force also separated giving us the four forces we see in the universe today.

So, how is the order of the super force breaking apart known, and how is the timing of the forces breaking apart established? These are open questions as specific answers are unknown.

Another straightforward question: If the combining of all four of the forces requires an extreme amount of energy, temperature and density how can a GUT or a ToE be determined now that brings all of the forces together given the current low energy, temperature and density of the universe? Asked another way, how is it that the four forces can be recombined given the conditions in the current universe? And, modern science shows us that the universe is expanding, which cause energy, temperature and density to drop even more which would increase the difficulty of combining the forces into a GUT and a ToE.

Moving on from the theoretical questions with respect to GUTs and ToEs, look at the weak force. It is actually not a force, rather it is an interaction which why it is currently called the weak interaction not the weak force. The most common interaction involves the neutron and the W or Z boson particles. A W or Z boson particle interacts with a neutron and flips it into a proton and a couple of other things. Here is the problem, there are two kinds of neutrons, ones with a right-handed spin property, and ones with a left-handed spin property. The weak interaction only works with left-handed spin property neutrons, not the right-handed spin neutrons.

None of the other three forces have this kind of selective activity. For example, the electric force of the electron reacts with both positive and negative electric charges. If it were like the weak interaction it will only work with one of the charges, not both of them. Given the significant difference in how electricity and magnetism work compared to the weak interaction one has to wonder how real is the combination of electromagnetism and the weak interaction?

Regarding the strong force compared with the electromagnetic force and gravity; with both gravity and the electric force the further you move away from the source of the gravitational and electric force the weaker the force becomes. The strong force only works with quarks, it is the force that hold quarks together in the proton and neutron. The strong force is like a spring, if the quarks are close together the strong force is normal and there is a minimal amount of force between the quarks. However, if you try to pull two or more quarks apart the strong force grows stronger the further you move the quarks apart from each other. The strong force is so strong that if you could pull two quarks apart the amount of energy to do this is so high that two more quarks will immediately form and combine with the two quarks you pulled apart making sure that neither of the two quarks is alone. This means that the strong force does not allow there to be single quarks in the universe.

Despite the significant differences in the strong force, the electromagnetic force and the weak force/interaction, a GUT is going to combine these three forces into a single force that allows them to work the way the do in the current conditions of our universe.

As for gravity, it is the weakest of all of the forces and interaction. The electric force is almost a trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion-trillion times stronger than gravity. And the strong force is estimated at about 100 times stronger than the electric force. Additionally, gravity only really works on the biggest things in the universe, such as stars, planets and galaxies, while the electric force, strong force and weak interaction only work on the smallest things, the elementary particles and atoms. However, a ToE is going to be able to over come all obstacles and combine gravity, the force of the very big, with the other three force, which are the forces of the very small.

There are many more questions and concerns associated with combining the known forces into a GUT and ToE. There is one more concern that needs to be covered, the “graviton.” The graviton is a so far undiscovered particle, so in fits in Quantum Theory. The graviton is the part of quantum gravity that mediates gravity. The graviton is also a part of string theory. But string theory is a mathematical model of how the quantum universe works. Since string theory is a mathematical model there are no experiments which can prove string theory is real. And the current mathematics associated with combining string theory and relativity is so problematic that it cannot be done. In other words, the two thing are not compatible. Yet, that is still the goal.

As for evidence of UFOs, there is a lot. There are multiple photos and videos. There are witnesses of all professions; military, law enforcement, pilots, scientists and of course the average person. There are also multiple websites, such as MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, (https://mufon.com/) and UFO Casebook (https://www.ufocasebook.com/) just to name two. There are also multiple professional and government reports on UFOs and UFO sightings. Similarly, the governments of many countries have done multiple investigations and filed reports on UFOs. And, many governments have a dedicated agency within the government specifically for investigating and researching UFOs.

One of the most recent reports from the US government was on June 25, 2021 titled Preliminary Assessment: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, (https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Prelimary-Assessment-UAP-20210625.pdf). The report was submitted to congress by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). This report looked at 144 reports filed between 2004 and 2021, mostly by military aviators who were using reliable equipment for data collection. Of the 144 reports reviewed, 1 was found not to be a Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP or UFO).

If only one of the 144 UFO reports in the congressional report was discovered not to be a UFO, what does this say about the reality of the thousands upon thousands of non-military reports?


Establishing a Grand Unified Theory and the Theory of Everything, are the holy grail of modern science. UFOs, are the science fiction of modern science because they are so elusive and we simply cannot and do not understand how they work. Additionally, we cannot touch or study a UFO. Truth be told we also cannot study a GUT or a ToE. Simply because something cannot be touched or studied does not make it unreal. This fact is noted daily in modern science as they go about looking for a GUT and a ToE. However, UFOs are not viewed in the same manner because modern science does not afford UFO’s the same breath of reality as they do GUTs and ToEs.

When the actual actions of the electromagnetic force, the weak interaction/force and the strong force are compared, it is clear that none of them have any common characteristics. If they have nothing in common, how is it possible that they can all be combined? Nature and the universe has provided zero information or evidence that these three unique and distinct forces of the very small should be combined in a single force via a Grand Unification Theory.

As for gravity, it has absolutely nothing in common with any of the three forces discussed above. There is no comparison between the characteristics of gravity and the characteristics of the other three forces. And once again, there is nothing in nature or the universe that says or requires gravity to be combined with the other three forces.

In summary, nothing about a GUT or a ToE has a real connection to nature or our universe. And, there is no evidence that either of these things exist. If nature doesn’t require unification why does today’s science feel the necessity to find a Grand Unification Theory or Theory of Everything? Furthermore, if there is nothing in nature that says unification is necessary, what makes modern science think that unification is even possible?

For comparison, there are thousands of unexplainable photos and video evidence of UFOs. There is evidence from electronic monitoring devices such as RADAR and infrared cameras. And, there are thousands upon thousands of observations by people of all walks of life throughout history, including trusted eye witness accounts. Additionally, governments throughout the world believe there is enough evidence for UFOs and have establish some type of agency to investigate UFOs.

So, what has more evidence for existence, GUTs and ToEs or UFOs?

One last consideration, we have a little over 100 years of modern science knowledge of the universe. But, the universe is over 13.8 billion year old, (our definition of time). Given our limited time to learn about the universe modern science believes that we almost know all there is to know and completely understand in our universe so that we can discover a GUT or a ToE. Some might consider this to be incredibly hubris.

Steve Guderian, 25 June, 2023

Monday, July 10, 2023

UFOs/UAPs: Can They Be All Around Us But We Cannot See Them?

 UFOs/UAPs: Can They Be All Around Us But We Cannot See Them?

Did you ever wonder what the first person to see a UFO/UAP must have thought? To see something in the sky that was flying across the sky and/or doing things that were at the time thought to be impossible. What a life changing event. And as time progressed more and more of these unusual things were seen moving across the sky by more and more people and by more and more pieces of equipment that are being used to monitor the sky. Ultimately, we reach the point where we are today. Reports of UFOs/UAPs by professionals, such as military personnel and pilots, as well as the average person are a relatively common occurrence. So common that sighting of UFOs/UAPs are taken for granted and the expectation is that UFOs/UAPs are there to be seen.

But what if it were possible for UFOs/UAPs to be right in front of us, but we could not see them. Would something like this be possible, is it happening? The answer is YES, IT IS and the proof has been seen by millions of people. The first of the unseen UFOs/UAPs has been seen doing things that seem to be impossible. This is just like the time when the first UFOs/UAPs were seen. We have now seen a new type of UFO/UAP and are now moving into a new phase of observations.

On Tuesday, June 27, 2023, the 10th episode of the 4th season of The Secret of Skinwalker RanchA Frequency Occurrence aired on the History Channel. During one of the experiments being performed a high-speed video camera that records at over 2000 frames per second (information from the show) was being used. At one point the camera operator calls the team over to the computer monitor to view something that flashed across the screen. The video review showed a UFO/UAP moving across the sky at a very high rate of speed. It was estimated that this UFO/UAP traveled across a large portion of the horizon/sky in a little over one-second, (information from the show). It was further estimated that the UFO/UAP was traveling around 3600 mph (information from the show).

Nobody that was on the scene of this experiment saw the UFO/UAP moving across the sky, it was only caught on the high-speed video camera. How it is possible for something to be right in front of us but not be seen? As it turns out, it is a lot easier for this to happen than most would expect.

Our species has a built-in lag time for us to see and understand or react to something occurring within our field of view. This lag time is most commonly referred to as Perception and Reaction Time, or simply PRT. In essence our eyes may see something, but our brain does not recognize it right away. There is a time lag between when we first see something and when our brain processing is able to tell us what it is we see. Once our brain has taken the time to figure out what we have seen it starts processing what we need to do to react to what our brain told us we see.

There are a few of other names that have been associated with PRT; Perception and Response Time and Perception and Recognition Time. Overall, the work with and study of PRT has been around for about 40 years. PRT is most commonly associated with vehicle usage. That is, PRT is used in the design of roadways and it is very much a part of Collision Reconstruction, which is the in-depth investigation and reconstruction of vehicle crashes, particularly fatal vehicle crashes. My personal experience with PRT comes from my 35 years of working as a Collision Reconstructionist.

Real world, everyday PRT is situationally dependent. This is because there are many associated factors that must also be taken into consideration when considering what a person may or may not see around them. All surroundings associated information and factors are part of what and how we see and that also reacts with our brain. As mentioned above PRT is used in the design of roadways. Due to the multiple conditions that can be in play with a roadway, such as darkness and weather, roadway design generally uses a 2.5 sec PRT. In collision reconstruction the most general PRT used starts at 1.5 seconds and it is adjusted up from there as necessary. In most cases, PRT would go up from 1.5 seconds and not go lower than 1.5 seconds.

As the name Perception and Response suggests there are two parts. The first is perception and the second is the recognition and response to what our brain is telling us it sees. Generally, the time it takes to perceive, or actually see something, is considered to be about .75 seconds. This leaves .75 seconds for recognition and a response to what was perceived by our brains. When you are driving a vehicle along a roadway, 3/4 of a second to see something, and then another 3/4 of a second to actually do something about what you see for the most part is fairly accurate. That is, everything is happening right in front of you and is already within your field of view. And choices of what is happening and what to do about it are limited. Thus, the brain processing that must occur is relatively straight forward. However, when you are outside with a whole view of the sky above and around you there is a lot more going on and a lot more for your brain to process. Additionally, the chances are that anything that happens that you are interested in, such as a very fast-moving small object, is going to be just outside of your main area of vision. It is most likely going to be one of those things that you think you see as you might catch it out of the corner of your eye. But since it is moving so fast, you will never be able to catch it in your field of view. So, in the very end it becomes something that you don’t see because you didn’t see enough of it for a long enough time for your brain to process what happened.

So, what does all of this mean? It means that the video of the high-speed UFO/UAP taken at Skinwalker Ranch is direct evidence showing us that there are high speed UFOs/UAPs in the sky that we cannot see because of their speed. In other words, the number of UFOs/UAPs that we see and photograph is just a part of the total number of UFOs/UAPs that are in the skies of our little world. And what we don’t see now, we will probably never be able to see without the help of high-speed video recording. This means that any time you are looking up at the sky, day or night, know that there could be a UFO/UAP passing by at a high speed and you will not be able to actually “see” it. Even though it was not seen, we know it could be there because now we have our first “view” of a high-speed UFO/UAP, and it is different from what we are used to seeing.

Side Note: This video may not be the only video of a high-speed UFO/UAP captured at Skinwalker Ranch. In episode 7 of season 4 what was thought to be a fast-moving UFO/UAP was captured in a frame or two of a surveillance video camera. One moment the video shows an empty field, the next shows a UFO/UAP in the middle of the field and then the next moment the field is empty again. There is also the incident in the first or second season where one of the cows in one of fields on the ranch mysteriously died. Upon checking the surveillance video, again, one moment there is no UFO/UAP in the sky above the cow, the next moment there is a UFO/UAP visible.

As for one of the physical impossibilities associated with the high-speed UFOs/UAPs that is open for consideration, how do the high-speed UFOs/UAPs travel so fast through the air without heating up or causing some other type of disruption to the air being traveled through?

Steve Guderian

Reno, NV

4 July, 2023

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

UFOs, ETs and Life in Our Universe


Over the last month or two there has been a lot of talk about the release of a government report regarding UAP sightings. UAP stands for Unidentified Ariel Phenomena, which is government speak for UFO. This report clearly admits that there are 143 sightings of UAPs that cannot be explained. And that many of these sighted UAPs do not comply with any known physics and/or aeronautical design and performance. But, since there is no individual sightings of any Extraterrestrial beings associated with any of the UAPs there can be no conclusion regarding the existence of Extraterrestrials. One other thing about the report, it is not possible to rule out the fact that some of these UAPs/UFOs might be craft from another world. So, this begs the question, if the craft is from another world would there not be an ET flying it? I guess it is important to our government to maintain their overall superiority of everything.

Think of it this way, this is like seeing a duck swimming across the top of a pond and concluding that it cannot fly since you only see is swimming. 

For reasons unknown our government is afraid to take a stand on what is clearly been seen and experienced by so many people for such a long period of time. Maybe part of the problem is because the science and physics community is unwilling to budge from its current scope of experiment and theory. Think about this for a minute, a report is released that says there are craft flying around our planet doing things we cannot explain with the physics we currently understand. But the physics community is unwilling to take a moment to think that maybe, just maybe there is a whole lot of physics out there that we do not know about and understand. Nope, it is still important to chase String Theory, Supersymmetry and the God Equation rather than admit these things have already failed and there is a lot more out there for science to learn.

Well, here is a news flash for the physics and science community, as well as the governments of our earth, there is a whole lot of life out there in this universe and we are just a small part of it. The proof for this is all around us right here on out little planet, how much life exists on this planet with us? Why would the nature of all of the life on our planet be any different from the nature of our universe? In other words, the universe that we live in and that we are a part of is not a barren and cold place devoid of life. Just the opposite, our universe is teaming with life throughout its entire expanse. I will go so far to say that my experiences and observations show me that our universe is all about life, that our universe is here for life to thrive throughout the universe. Furthermore, there is a whole lot more physics out there that we do not have a clue about. Again, nature has clearly provided us clues to this. But since these clues and related information does not fit the science and physics community's current beliefs, these obvious clues and information are ignored or some type of quantum physics magic is contrived to explain away that which is not liked.  

So the question now is why is the Extraterrestrial Life visiting our planet here in the first place? I believe this too has a fairly logical answer. And the answer is not what some want us to believe. Since we cannot explain 143 UAPs our government tells us that we have to be concerned about possible hostile intentions. 

If we except the governments report regarding unexplainable UAPs, then history is pretty clear, ET has been visiting the human life on our planet for a very long time. Since ET has been here for so long hostile actions really are not any part of ETs intention. Think about this for a minute, if ET was hostile how come we were not wiped out 100,000 years ago when it would have been easy? The narrative that ET and/or the UAPs are here for hostile actions is really the ultimate in arrogance, ignorance and short sightedness by our government.

The real answer is much simpler and obvious. It is not about us, it is about the beautiful planet we are lucky enough to live on at this point in time. 

Here on earth we can consider all societies and its associated human life living here a single  civilization. The simplest and most basic feat that our civilization must accomplish is survival. And if we are perfectly honest, there really is no guarantee that as a civilization we can survive. We would all like to believe that as a civilization we will survive and move out into the universe and take our place with the rest of the life living in this universe. However, at this point in time we are far more adapt at conflict and violence then we are at working together toward the common and simple goal of survival for our societies and civilization.

The universe we are a part of is dynamic. Planets and other solar systems die everyday. These planets and solar systems that die as part of their natural progression are full of life that is worth saving for the civilization of the universe. Just like we move from one city to another, other life in our universe has the need to move to another planet. ET is not here for hostile purposes. Rather they are here to make sure that if we move forward with destroying ourselves that we do not take the fabulous planet down with us as it does mean too much to the civilization of the universe.

ET has shown themselves to humanity multiple times for centuries, so it is not like they are trying to hide from us. Recently they have also shown us that they really do know a whole lot more than we do. We should look at all of the sightings and interactions as ETs way of saying, hey we are here and we would like to help, but.... It is not ETs responsibility to come here and solve our problems. As our own civilization we have to be able to survive on our own, not as a subset for another civilization in our universe. 

Take a moment to think about this, the evidence for ET's existence is staggering. Yet many in government and the science community still say it is impossible for any ET to be here because our physics will not allow it. Simple solution, there is more to physics than we know today. But in many cases arrogance reigns supreme in science and government so rather than admitting we are not as smart and superior as we think we are they will simply ignore the reality. So, even if ET were to come here to help out, he would not be excepted or would be questioned about every trivial thing. I would not want to waste my time with this, so why would ET?

Monday, November 23, 2020



My first paper looking at the double slit experiment hypothesizes that the wave function could be the result of quantum entanglement. This conclusion was reached through an evaluation of the information from the original double slit experiment involving individual particles. In other words, I simply carried the original experiment one step further. Given that the hypothesis is based on information from the first experiment, it is a valid experimentally based hypothesis. The next step would be to try and experimentally validate the hypothesis. This paper outlines steps that can be added to the original double slit experiment that can be used as an initial evaluation toward proving, or disproving, my quantum entanglement hypothesis for the wave function of a particle as established in the original double slit experiment. My first paper is also posted on this blog.

The original double slit experiment is such that a single particle is independently sent toward double slits. The slits are monitored to see which one the particle goes through. The particle continues on hitting a screen leaving a dispersed particle pattern on the screen. The act of measuring the particle for the slit it travels through determines it position and in essence removes the wave function of the particle. This results in a particle only dispersion pattern on the screen. My experiment simply builds on this.

On the screen where the particle pattern has been determined, cut another double slit. This way after traveling through the first double slit and determining which slit the particle goes through, which removes the wave function, we can see if the particle still acts like a particle after traveling through the second double slit and hitting a screen behind the second double slit. The pattern on the screen after the second double slit will show us if the particle is still a particle after traveling through both double slits, or if at some point the particle obtained another wave function. If the particle obtains a second wave function the questions would be where did the wave function come from, and is it the “same” as the initial coherent particle from the original source?

It should be noted that there are multiple versions or variations that could be done with this experimental set up. For example, there could be two sets of double slits set up on the second screen after the initial set, one at each particle dispersal pattern to see if one or both of the particle dispersal patterns have the same pattern on the final screen. One additional parameter that I would add to the experiment at some point, a complete account, tracking and total count of all particles released from the source.

My initial hypothesis is that the measurement at the first set of double slits removes the wave function of the particle and that from this measurement point forward the only thing left is a particle. In my experimental setup we know that when the particle reaches the second set of double slits it is acting as a particle. This was established in the original double slit experiment. This means that there is only a particle reaching the second double slits, which is the exact same process for the first double slits. The difference is that there is no longer a guarantee of particle coherence that was established in the initial particle source. From this point forward there are only two basic things that can return a wave function to the particle, the second set of double slits, or the virtual field. But, not just any wave function can be returned, it has to be the wave function corresponding to the original coherence of the source. A return of the wave function would by necessity have to be associated with quantum mechanics. The question would be what quantum process could return a distinct or specific wave function to what is in essence a free particle. Furthermore, returning the particle to its original state established at the particle source would require energy. At this point the most likely source of this energy is the virtual field. However, removing this energy from the field would result in an energy drain from the field which in turn results in a number of other issues.

My hypothesis for this experiment is that it will show that the measurement done at the first set of double slits removes the wave function and creates a “wave-free” particle. Furthermore, the establishment of wave-free particles does not result in a significant change to current quantum physics. Rather, it simply adds another characteristic to be used and evaluated as physics moves forward. The wave function is still a part of many aspects of particle interactions thus keeping relevant parts of quantum physics intact. Having a wave-free particle is not that much different many other aspects associated with the standard model of particles.

Monday, November 9, 2020



My position on what we know about physics is that the information we have discovered clearly shows us that there is so much more for us to learn. For me the evidence starts with UFOs/ETs and Beings/Ghosts. We have thousands of years of history telling us all about these things that do not correspond with the physics we think we know. However, rather than telling ourselves that there has to be more for us to learn from these things, scientists will continue to tell us that they cannot be real because the physics we know will not allow for them. In other words, since science and physics cannot explain these things, these things cannot be real.

Well, from everything I read and research, the physics we know is telling us that there is more for us to learn. But for one reason or another today’s scientists simply want to try and built further on what we know rather than looking hard at what is known and asking questions. One of the crowning glories of quantum physics is the Standard Model of Particles. I have already written about what is one of the most glaring questions of many questions associated with the Standard Model and will post that in this blog. The questions I have are real, and they represent areas that we need to dig into rather than just ignoring them for convenience sake.

The standard model is not the only thing that points to more physics for us to learn about, there is experiment that is so ingrained in today’s quantum physics, the Double Slit Experiment that presents a huge question that needs to be answered. The Double Slit Experiment is the experiment that is responsible for giving us one of the most confusing and complicated aspects of quantum physics, Wave-Particle Duality. This is the quantum property of atoms and particles where they act like both a particle and a wave at the same time.

In 1801 physicist and physician Thomas Young performed the double slit experiment. He sent the light from the sun through a single slit, which made the sunlight somewhat in phase. After passing through the single slit the sunlight continued through to two closely spaced narrow slits. From the two slits the light went onto a screen where it showed wave interference patterns. Young’s experiment settled the debate on the nature of light and from this point on light was accepted as traveling as a wave.

Fast forward to 1961 when the first double slit experiment was done with electrons as individual particles and the wave interference pattern first observed by Young was observed with the individual electrons/particles. Further experiments done by sending single particles one at a time through the double slits still showed the wave interference pattern on the final screen. So, the wave nature of individual particles in quantum physics was verified and this is where we stand today.

However, there is a second part to the double slit experiment that I do not believe has been completely evaluation for further interpretations and conclusions. This second part is when the individual particles are measured after going through one of the slits so that it can be determined which slit the particle went through. That is it, a simple measurement telling us which slit the particle used. Well it turns out that this determination changes the whole dynamic of the experiment. There is no longer a wave interference pattern on the final screen. Rather there are just two piles or particles behind each slit. The wave is gone and the particle is acting like a particle when it hits the final screen. In other words, the simple act of measuring which slit the particle went through removes the wave nature of the particle.

So here is the question, I have a particle go through one of the slits and I measure that particle to see which slit it went through. Because of this measurement the particle is no longer a wave, it is now moving as a particle toward the final screen as clearly shown on the screen. What if right before the particle hits the screen and is brought to a stop, I move the screen an infinite distance away, or I move the screen at a speed just above that of the particle so that it cannot reach the screen? In other words, the particle is now moving through space as a particle with no wave form.

This completely upsets the wave-particle duality as now there is a particle moving through space as a only a particle with no “wave function.” The duality is gone. However, the standard answer maybe that a particle has to move through space as a wave so there must be something in quantum physics that gives the wave function back. In other words, unknown quantum magic that cannot be explained occurs and the particle regains a wave function. Or maybe there is another possible explanation, and nature is trying to tell us to dig deeper.

The double slit experiment gives us a particle without an associated wave, which is clear in the experiment itself. Additionally, without going into a lot of detail, the measurement of the slit that the particle uses corresponds with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. Specifically, we measured position through the slit determination so the momentum (velocity) of the particle is still present. This accounts for the particle striking the final screen. So, if the wave is removed from the particle, and the particle still exists there are two basic questions;

Where did the wave form come from in the first place?

If there is still a wave form with the particle as it moves through space where did it come from?

Regarding the first question, how about another form of quantum entanglement? As for the second question, the answer is simple, nobody knows.

Regarding quantum entanglement, let’s recall that for this experiment there has to be a particle source, and this source has to in essence make the particles sent through the slits coherent. In other words, the source gives all of the particles a common characteristic. This common characteristic is pretty much what quantum entanglement is all about. Once you give a particle a common characteristic, it is related to other particle(s) by this consistent characteristic. In the case of the individual coherent particles, the common characteristic is the wave form embedded into the particles by the source of the particles. So, as long as you do not measure the particle position, which slit it goes through, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is intact and the particles will form the wave pattern on the final screen. This can also show in the measurement portion of the double slit experiment. Measuring the slit used removes the wave and gives a particle pattern on the final screen. Stop the measuring and the wave form returns for the individual particles on the final screen.

The wave particle duality associated with quantum physics is ingrained in so many things that are part of the physics of life. In particular atomic and molecular structures of the atoms we need and work with every day. But we really need to look at what this wave form does for us that cannot be handled in some other manner. Looking specifically at atomic structure, the wave form gives us the probability of finding an electron in a certain place. Since it is a probability, the electron may or may not be where the wave form says it is most likely to be. It could actually be in the area of the least probability. Furthermore, this wave is not static it is dynamic in that it oscillates. In other words, the position of the electron moves within its orbital, which means the most probable place the electron is supposed to be also moves which is also as expected. When we look at all of the other restrictions on electron placement in an atom, it just seems logical that the whole wave-particle duality and probability function is not the only way to find an electron.

The overriding question is why we have accepted things to be so complicated without even looking at other possible solution, especially when nature itself seems to be telling us there is more for us to find?